Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Klondike Bar V.2

5-ply, hide glue construction. Walnut-Spruce-Kiri-Spruce-Walnut. 7.2mm thick. 87-92g. J.O.W. shape. If you know anything about WBS; you know the Klondike Bar. If not, see - This is a new twist on the classic formula. It feels a bit more like a traditional blade (i.e. non-balsa) and has a lower throw. OFF. $90.00 shipped in the 48.

Classic Defense

3-ply, hide glue construction. Willow-Basswood-Willow. 6mm thick. 85-90g. Oversized DEF Shape. Very classic defense or hardbat blade. Fat square handle for the twiddle magicians. Has seen a little use. DEF. $25.00 shipped in the 48.

Swing Fiddle

5-ply, hide glue construction. Ash-Ash-Kiri-Ash-Ash. 6.5mm thick. 87-92g. Swing Shape. The formula for this blade might seem a bit familiar. The shape on the other hand has been off the radar for some time. This is essentially a beefed up and oddly shaped violin. For the ultimate in feel! OFF. $75.00 shipped in the 48.

Felucca Dura

7-ply, hide glue construction. Walnut-Ayous-Ayous-Ayous-Ayous-Ayous-Walnut. 6mm. 85-90g. Classic OFF Shape. This is very much a blade for hitters. It has a nice feel with short pips given the hard outer ply. If you like the clipper but want something with a crisper feel, this might be it. OFF. $90.00 shipped in the 48.

The Onion *SOLD*

11-ply, epoxy construction. Limba-Carbon-Ayous-carbon-Ayous-Glass Fibre-Ayous-carbon-Ayous-Carebon-Limba. 5 mm. 83-87g. J.O.W. Shape. Total experiment blade. Incredibly stiff for it's thickness. Doesn't play poorly by any means, but also doesn't have a whole lot of feel. This was a trial blade for my own testing and it has some minor cosmetic defects (Note angled handle bottom in the second picture - another trial idea). Price reduced. OFF. $30.00 shipped in the 48.

Oso Carbon. SOLD.

7-ply, epoxy construction. Limba-Ayous-carbon-Ayous-carbon-Ayous-Limba. 6.8 mm. 85-90g. J.O.W. Shape. There's a lot of blades out there with the same composition. This is a bit thicker. Nice sweet spot, but not as much speed as you might expect. Surprisingly good control blade for hitting and looping. This was a trial blade for my own testing and it has some notable cosmetic defects. Price reduced. OFF. SOLD.

Felucca DEF

7-ply, hide glue construction. Limba-Ayous-Ayous-Ayous-Ayous-Ayous-Limba. 5.9mm. 85-90g. Oversized DEF Shape. This blade is a special project of mine. I find short pips chopping to be quite intriguing, so in homage to the likes of Hou YingChao etc., I designed a blade with this style in mind. It's essentially a slimmed down clipper. It's still stiff enough to behave well with short pips but it's slow enough to take a bit off incoming loops. Though don't be fooled, it still has enough offensive capability to win points by force. I have one dressed in long or short pips all the time to help train my partners against choppers and it's a kick of a blade. DEF+-ALL. $90.00 shipped in the 48.


5-ply, hide glue construction. Cypress-Spruce-Western Red Cedar-Spruce-Cypress. 8.5mm. 90-94g. Classic OFF Shape. I haven't had a chance to hit with this configuration but I assume it's fairly fast, very stiff, and has exceptional trampoline effect. OFF. $75.00 shipped in the 48. Price reduced for slight handle defect (only cosmetic).

Carbo-Cypress *SOLD*

5-ply. Cypress-Cypress-Carbon-Cypress-Cypress. *SOLD*

Oso +

5-ply, hide glue construction. Limba-Spruce-Obeche-Spruce-Limba. 7mm thick. 90-94g. Offensive Classic Shape. This is a classic blade formula with a little extra beef. Essentially a Waldner Offensive plus 1.5-2mm of thickness. OFF. $90.00 shipped in the 48.